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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Monday 16 April 2012

Camp 2012 S3: God Qualifies the Called

God Qualifies the Called - Rachel Poh
Camp 2012: The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me, Session 3

God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called. He is looking for people who just take Him at His Word and act on it. He wants people who put up their hand and say, 'Pick me!', then He will change you and mould your character.

Rachel shared how before she caught hold of God, she was a very quiet, shy person. Then, when she realised that God was more real than she thought, she decided to act on His words. When she heard that if she prayed for people, they would be healed, she decided to do just that.

The first time she set out to do this, she spotted a girl limping along in a car park with her knee in a bandage. Rachel explained that she had just found out that she could pray for people with healing and asked if she could pray for her. The girl did not seem very convinced but allowed her to pray. After the first time, the girl tested her leg and announced that nothing had changed. Undaunted, Rachel prayed again - but again, nothing changed. Disappointed, Rachel let her go. Later, she spotted the girl again walking normally without the bandage.

"Hey!" she called, "what happened?"
"Oh hey," replied the girl, "it's all good now so I took off the bandage. Thanks."Then she strode away.

Rachel was left scratching her head. She wasn't sure if the girl was actually healed or not. She looked for a second person to pray for. She found a second girl with her leg elevated and her knee under ice, obviously in great pain, and asked if she could pray for her. The girl assented.

Again, the first prayer brought no immediate change. Rachel prayed a second time, but this time the girl tested her knee with a very perplexed look on her face. She jumped up, flexing it without difficulty, then exclaimed, "What did you do to it?!" She too could throw away her ice.

Later on, Rachel found a guy who had injured his thumb so that the joint in his palm had ballooned significantly. Rachel laid her hand on the swelling and asked the Kingdom of Heaven to come upon it. As soon as she took her hand away from the boy's hand, she jumped back in astonishment - it had reduced in swelling by at least half. This was the beginning of a habit since to look for people to pray for and release the power of God on their behalf.

She shared how we could look for opportunities to do this in everyday life. One day, she was at a tram stop with a friend who seemed to have some neck pain. Rachel asked about it, and her friend said, "Oh, don't worry about it. It's just some mild pain - no big deal." However, Rachel encouraged her and the friend let her pray for her.
Rachel positioned her hands some distance from her friend's neck without touching it and prayed - nothing. She prayed again, and felt suddenly very warm, and her hands burned hot although she was not touching her friend. She thought perhaps that it was the weather.
When she finished praying, her friend's expression was of shock and surprise: "The pain is gone - and - my neck got really hot!" Rachel was amazed, "My hands got really hot!"

We serve a mighty, living God who is waiting to back us up with signs and wonders if we step out in faith! Will you be one of those who makes themselves available and just says, "Pick me!"?

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