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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Saturday 30 July 2011

The Bootcamp of Life

Our trials and difficulties are hard. But so is bootcamp for soldiers. They are taken to the edge of their strength but become honed, ready for battle.

Athletes test the limits of their abilities and push through the pain to become even stronger. Personal Trainers target your weaknesses so that those areas of weakness and flab can be transformed into areas of strength.

The Makings of a Warrior

Is life getting you down, and the troubles seem overwhelming? Welcome to the story of life! Who ever dreamed that being grown up would entail so much heartache and struggle?

But really, what else can we expect? We were born into a world at war, and that war touches different areas of our lives everyday.

I'm not talking specifically about physical 'bang bang' war (although there is certainly physical war in many parts of the world) - I'm referring to the battles that go on in every life, every heart to find your place of significance, to achieve security, respect, acceptance, to overcome our weaknesses, juggle the demands of everyday life and still be fully alive.

In reflection, there are more people who fall prey to the battles of their lives than on physical battlefields everyday. You don't need to be one of them.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Key to Overcoming Weakness

Where there is weakness, there is grace available to overcome it. This grace, however, can only be truly experienced when that weakness is fully embraced in the light of the greatness of God's strength.

When we cease to strive to be stronger and lean on the arm of God, then are we truly strong. Why? Our own strength is limited and it will wane, but the strength of God is ever as the noonday sun: there is no dusk in the strength of our Creator King.

He who strives in His own strength will fail, but he/she who counts on and looks to the strength of the Father will last the distance -- and have reserve left over to sprint to the finish.

Jeremiah 17: 5-8

Thus says the LORD:

      “ Cursed is the man who trusts in man
      And makes flesh his strength,
      Whose heart departs from the LORD.
        For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,
      And shall not see when good comes,
      But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness,
      In a salt land which is not inhabited.
        “ Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
      And whose hope is the LORD.
        For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
      Which spreads out its roots by the river,
      And will not fear when heat comes;
      But its leaf will be green,
      And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
      Nor will cease from yielding fruit.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

When Flat Out Isn't Enough

Hillsong Conference Notes Session 6 - Priscilla Shirer 07/07
Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

Priscilla brings new insights to a well known (but usually forgotten) commandment in the Bible: keep the Sabbath Day holy. In a world of fast results and ever-faster living, we have fallen into a mistaken notion that more work will bring us better gain. However, just as the order of steps are important in baking a cake, so is the order of priority in our lives for the right results.

**Please be aware that these are my personal notes taken during the conference - it is not intended to be an exact rendering of the message, but capture the essence of what I had received. **

Sunday 24 July 2011

Hillsong Conference Notes: Worship Leader's Workshop

The session was held in a lounge room-style interview hosted by one of the Hillsong Staff. There were some worthy points shared that I felt was really spot on in their spirit and focus. I've distilled them here for you!

Darlene Zschech:
Some people seem to think that God's presence only turns up when the piano starts playing, and the music ramps up. No. We are stewards of the presence of God.
Joel Houston:
We are there to usher in God's presence. No matter how simple, or how complex your music or team arrangement, it's about offering what you have to serve God and His people.
Kim Walker:
We must be yielded to the Lord no matter what time frame we've been given.
          Know your strengths and be secure in them.

Israel Houghton:
Q: How do you deal with a sleepy congregation?
A: You (worship leader/ team) are not the thermometer; you are the thermostat.

Hillsong Conference Notes Session 5

Phil Driscoll - 07/07

The "Could you" (is it possible to) vs. "would you" question.
We tend to put a lot of emphasis on the 'could you' part of this question. However, it is essentially a question of resources, and the answer is a given: it's already yours in Christ Jesus. If God had brought you to this point, He has already prepared all that you need to accomplish His instructions. The real question is 'WOULD you?'
Jenetzen Franklin - 07/07

No vision for the future= no power for the present. The Holy Spirit has your vision -- find it from Him. Recapture your dream!

Dream Destroyers:
1) temporary circumstances
Never make the temporary the rest of your life. Ichabod (1 Sam 4:19-21) is a name that means 'the Glory has Departed'. He could have been named 'The Glory will Return' but his mother named him Ichabod when she defined the future by temporary tragic events. Don't do it!
2) Divine delays
      For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
      But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
      Though it tarries, wait for it;
      Because it will surely come,
      It will not tarry.                                                 Habakkuk 2:3
Sometimes God asks you to temporarily let go of what He called you to do. But don't despair - it's a time of transformation, and transformation takes time.

Jenetzen gave an illustration of butterflies emerging from their cocoon. If someone were to help the little thing struggle out of its cocoon, its wings will never fully unfurl. It is the struggle that pumps blood into their wings and prepares them to fly.

If you can't fly yet, just flap and keep going! It doesn't matter if there are other people passing you in your journey -- God said that He would make it happen, and He will.

3) Faith in False Evidence
Jacob looked at Joseph's bloodied coat and had perfect belief in the lie that his son was dead. The 'facts' don't always tell the whole story. Hold on to that dream, trust in the Lord and keep flapping [keep swimming, just keep swimming...]!

Saturday 23 July 2011

Greater than Your Failings

Are you feeling downcast because you've stuffed up again? How can God NOT give up on people like us? We're a mess, we're unfaithful, we don't learn. We wilfully do what's wrong because we want it (cue music) "myyyyyyy waaaaaay"! And then fall flat afterwards.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Hillsong Conference Notes -Session 4

John Maxwell 07/07
Running with the Giants: Noah and Esther

Heb 12:1
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us

If we were to bring out some Biblical characters from the great cloud of witnesses, and let them run one lap with us, what would they say to us?
[Please note that John was sharing from his book  "Running with the Giants"]

Noah: what would he say to us if he were to run alongside us?
One person can make a difference.
Everyone is creatd with a desire for significance - that their life would count in the annals of history. You can be significant because one person can make a difference. Noah saved his whole family. They were not saved because they were righteous themselves, but because Noah was.

Success is when the people who know you the most love and respect you the most. Something is wrong when the whole world likes you better than your own family.

When you make a difference, there is a compounding, never ending influence and legacy that lasts beyond your lifetime. You can make a difference no matter how old you are. Noah was ~600 years old. God is never through with you till you are dead!
Don't be afraid of standing out from the crowd.
Difference-makers make a difference BECAUSE they are different. They are willing to take a risk for God and look silly.
Obey God even if you don't understand.
Charles Spurgeon said, "If we cannot trace His hand, we can always trust His heart." God is looking for people who are righteous and love Him.


You have a place, a calling, a role for you. For a period of time, even when you are God's child, you can feel out of place.
As a girl, Esther must have felt out of place. She had no normal family of her own like many of her friends would have had. When she entered the world of royalty, she must have felt decidely out of place in all her finery, pomp, ceremony and richness.

John calls this time of feeling displaced 'the dry season: the season when you are still finding your place, your skill set, your destiny.' Be patient: God has a plan bigger than a one-day thought for you. HE will place you just as He placed Esther 'for such a time as this'.

At that moment, when you find yourself in that place God had prepared, you will rise to it, you will become courageous like Esther was so that she could say 'if I perish, I perish'. Your dry season is only for a time. Be patient and allow God to prepare you for that role, that time.

Hillsong Conference Notes - Session 4

Brian Houston 07/07
Stay in Your Sphere

2 Corinthians 10:12
 For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

**disclaimer: please note that all the Hillsong Conference notes I have posted are my personal notes taken during the sessions. They may not be exact renditions of how they were communicated; they are how I received it. Apologies for any misunderstanding!!**

Thursday 14 July 2011

HIllsong Conference Notes Session 3

Jenetzen Franklin Wed 6/7
Jesus is the Bread of Life

John 6:35 - and Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."

In our culture today, bread is an optional part of the meal - you can take it or leave it. But in Jesus' day, bread was the staple of their meal; the abundance of bread constituted a feast. A meal is not complete without bread.

When you read John 6:35, Jesus is saying, in effect, "I am the substance of life. I am the staple. I am not negotiable. I sustain you. I am the main thing in life."

Mel's Thoughts:
Because we are spirit beings, the form of 'food' we take in are in the form of things we hear, see and think about. We digest all sorts of things during our daily lives: conversation, TV, movies, magazines, the news, office gossip... while they tickle our senses and entertain us, a life solely filled with these things leaves us as empty as a meal of lettuce. They have little substance.

If we were to live on optional extras in our meals, we become bloated, unsatisfied. But if we eat our staples with the extras, we are properly filled. How are you treating Jesus in your life today? Is He the staple of your life's musings? John 1 tells us that the Word was made flesh ie Jesus was a physical manifestation of the Word of God.

Today, we have the Word of God in our Bibles, phones, mp3, recorded sermons. The form it comes in is not what makes it spiritual food. It is the essence of His Words received by your senses into your thoughts and memory that feeds your soul. You digest it by talking about it, thinking over it. We already do a lot of this for our usual diet of  the movies, Facebook chatter and the news. It's time to change our spiritual diet to what suits us best: the Word of God.

What is your spiritual diet? What percentage of this diet is God's Word? Make it your staple, the main thing today, and everyday.

Challenge of the Day

"You need to be a personal manifestation of the living Christ. Just as Christ walked about the earth, you have to walk about as a child of God, with power and manifestation."

"I once thought I possessed the Holy Spirit, but I have come to the conclusion that He has to be entirely the possessor of me. God can tame your tongue. God can so reserve you for Himself that your entire body will be operating in the Spirit."

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Divine Connections

Remember how I had said in a previous post that I was praying for divine connections at Hillsong? Well, we were privileged to meet two different groups of people in amazing circumstances.

Hillsong Conference Notes Session 1

John Maxwell - Tues 5/7
I found John to be a dynamic, engaging speaker who is very passionate to see people's potential fulfilled, but most of all for God to be first. He was one of my most favourite speakers during the Hillsong conference. He had a way of helping you remember his points, and his illustrations from his life or the lives of those he knew were always inspirational and encouraging.

John used to be a minister but God directed him into the area of leadership. Nowadays, he is a well-sought after speaker not just for Churches, but for secular and non-secular businesses and organisations all over the world.

Points on leadership
1. Leaders must find their identity in Christ, not in the people they lead.

And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
1 Cor 2:1-2

Paul's identity was in the Christ he knew. He got himself out of the way, purposed to be hidden behind the cross so that when anything happened, people would see Jesus. Paul kept it simple: Christ and Him crucified. 

John mentioned that at an early stage in his ministry, he would be discouraged by the look on people's faces, and how many members were in his Church. God told him, "you've been keeping count but if you'll trust me, I'll keep the count."

God is enough. You don't need anything else. The world needs to know that the answer is God and nothing else. If you find your true identity in Christ, and not in people, then the world won't see you but Jesus.

Mel's Thoughts:
This is so true. We who are on stage ministering tend to look out over the people, and if we are not careful, we let the numbers and the look on their faces affect our ability to minister faithfully. Yet, our first and foremost responsibility is to God. We just need to do what we are lead to, and God will do the rest.

Additionally, the looks on people's faces don't tell the whole story. The fact that they don't tell you "that was a good sermon" does not mean that God did not speak to them in some way. One criticism does not equate to the whole congregation disliking you. 

When our identity is in Christ, we are secure, steadfast. When we link our identity to people, we are insecure, and become a flickering flame that is easily blown out.

I love how God told John, "Let ME keep count." How can we ever do an accurate count anyway? We can't see what is happening in the big picture - we can never underestimate the influence we have over people's lives when we are faithful and depend on God. God IS truly all we need.

2. Leaders possess a God-perspective that allows them to endure difficult times.
One difference between leaders and others is that leaders see things differently. Good ones tend to see more than others see (potential), and they see it before (quicker) than others.

[We are] troubled on every side, yet not distressed; [we are] perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
2 Cor 4:8-10 

In this passage of scripture, Paul is saying, in effect, "the outside looks a mess, but the inside is a different story". The point of every struggle is what is happening on the inside of us. When we are bigger on the inside than the outside, the things on the outside will not control the inside. Leadership is an INSIDE job.

Mel's Thoughts:
"When we are bigger on the inside than the outside, the things on the outside will not control the inside" - when we live by, and in dependence on the power and leading of God, we are working on a reservoir of ability and strength far beyond our own. Every battle is a time to dig our roots deeper into the Rock in which we stand. 

I've also found that battles are also times when we are forced to jettison something in our lives that was a dead weight. Amongst other things, battles are a time of pruning, of purifying. If we are good soldiers, and good students, we will learn from it and thrive. We become stronger, our vision refocuses and clears, our perspective widens and deepens. We realise that our strength is nothing, but that the strength of God is reliable, exceedingly mighty. We become bigger on the inside. Then, no tempest outside the lighthouse will make us tremble - we will face the storm with steely-eyed resolve and continue to tend the light.

3. God wants to Hyper ec perissos you!
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...
Eph 3: 20

Hyper ec perissos is the Greek that the NKJV has translated  "exceedingly abundantly". Each of these Greek words build on each other as superlatives. John Maxwell said, if the world was Greek, America would have the 'Hyperbowl' rather than the 'Superbowl' (is that how you spell it??).

He told a story of how when he was young, he would always somehow be stuck with washing the dishes. So being young, and a boy, he would turn on the taps to fill the sink, then go out and slam dunk a few balls, then go back in. He would usually time it so that when he returned, the sink would be just full. This is analogous to hyper.

Sometimes, he'd squeeze in another shot at the basketball ring and run back to the kitchen sink with it brimming over with water. This is analogous to hyper ec.

One day, however, he left the taps running to throw a few hoops and found his friends in his driveway. Yes, the tap was running, but he couldn't help himself and played a game with them. He was winning too, when his mother angrily screamed his name. He said, "that was the day that we were the only house in the neighbourhood with an indoor swimming pool."The sink was hyper ec perissos.

God does not just do what we ask, and He is not only capable of accomplishing it, He is able to do so in hyper ec perissos style!

Mel's Thoughts:
Is there anything you've been praying or waiting for, but it has been long in coming? David waited more than 10 years to become King; Abraham waited several decades before Isaac was born; Joseph endured hardship and a long waiting period before his dream was fulfilled: some things take time. But when they come, it will be gloriously mind-blowing.

God's timing is always just right. Has the waiting made God seem small in your eyes? Then in Jesus' name, I speak faith and renewed strength to persevere into your heart: your God is more than able. He who created the roaring waves, the dainty lilly, and your heartbeat in your mother's womb has your life in His hands. You cannot see the whole picture, but God can. Trust Him.

Meditate on the bigness of God and what He has done in others' and in your life and begin to believe again that God is able to do hyper ec perissos above all that we ask or think.

Monday 11 July 2011


I think I have to do some repenting.

The last time I attended a Hillsong service many years ago, I was full of scepticism but ended up so blessed that I concluded, "we each have our anointings and God has given Hillsong a very powerful anointing that is most evidently from God. I can't knock it."
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