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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Friday 9 December 2011

To Know Him

Our Youth Group has been going through a series on identity, and 2 weeks ago, we learnt about being a Weapon of Righteousness. To put it in perspective, weapons of mass destruction cause mass destruction, and weapons of righteousness cause righteousness in the sphere of their influence.

We learnt that righteousness is in close relationship to truth, justice, love and blessings. To be a weapon of righteousness means standing for truth, effecting love, justice and blessings. And the Bible promises that a person of righteousness will have life and blessings. But more on that another time.

In my research on this topic, I came across this OMF article that touched me and made me think. There are a lot of charismatic Christians running around saying 'Thus says the Lord' and yelling at demons. I've done it myself. There's nothing wrong with it unless it is done without understanding, and without a core ingredient that makes THE difference: the love of God. This love is so potent, so overwhelming that just a taste of it can transform lives and destinies. Isn't this what we all want?

Many Christians tend to think that salvation and power is what they have, and all that they need. But without love, we are merely noise, clanging symbols (1 Cor 13:1-3). It's the stuff of Bible-bashing -- all noise and completely pointless, not to mention destructive. Notice how the ladies were doing the best with what they knew about the Name of Jesus -- but they were acting out of fear and ignorance. And I'll go out on a limb to say that if we don't do something with the love of God, we are probably leaving Him out of it more than we realise.

There is one very basic factor in living as a Christian, and it can be lost in the myriad of 'doings': it's relationship. If you know God, you will have His love. These two things give you all the authority you need when you pray.

Acts 19:14-16 tells us about some exorcists who set out to try out this magical name of Jesus Christ that they had heard Paul use. Instead, they had a demon growling at them, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?" before sending them out of the house torn and naked.

It is essential to truly know God. Knowing God is not simply going to Church, praying and knowing the Bible back to front. These are all good things, and are essential towards that relationship but it is easy to just 'do' it and still not truly know God, just like reading letters from someone can give you a sense of who they are, but without time, effort and frequent heart-to-heart interaction, that relationship stays only at the stage of 'knowledge'.

I can assure you now that God is a force to be reckoned with. The world has dumbed Him down to a simpering do-gooder irrelevant to the modern age but I've personally felt a dark pain instantly lift at the Name of Jesus, nausea instantly cease after prayer, experience the wisdom of following His counsel, the reality of true prophecy, the startling feeling of a powerful presence filling the room and the beautiful comfort that comes with it. This is a living God. And He is everything He says He is.

Do you truly know Him?

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