And you are not left to fight alone. Your Holy One, the Lord of Hosts is by your side, fighting with and for you - if you will only trust Him, heed and obey His Word.
I love one of the early scenes in the first Lord of the Rings movie The Fellowship of the Ring where Arwen is fleeing from the Wraith on horseback, with a poisoned Frodo slumped in front of her. Her face is unflinching as the Wraith swing at her. She takes a cut to the cheek without batting an eyelid. She fords a river, then turns to face them with her voice ringing: If you want him, come and claim him.
How do we intercede for others, and absorb the collateral without flinching? How do we keep sharing God's love to people who don't want to hear it, and be willing to take the painful thrusts from them? Be content in God's love - be so secure, so sure of His love for you that no hurt from others will phase your self-esteem.
Their attacks may wound, but they will not maim. You may be pressed, but you will not be crushed. You will be able to rise and still fight on their behalf. How can we become like that? Be filled and founded on the love of God. Then when you are wounded, you only bleed love.
There is no formula to suddenly becoming secure in God's love. But it can come overnight in a rushing flood; or it can come as a steadily growing tide in your heart. Both come by seeking God and asking Him "give me a revelation of your love!". But beware! Such a request is no small one. What would your true motive be? To what extent do you really want to know the fullness of God' love?
Are you willing to share the ache of His love for the world? The revelation of the acute depth of that ache will bring you to your knees -- but it will enable you to intercede with a power you never had before. Are you willing to experience the darkness of God's grief for those who do not know Him? It may be so deep and crushing that all joy flees -- but that same grief will spur you on to keep serving the very ones who spitefully wound you.
To know the love of God is to have insight into His power. And His power is so unfathomable, so mighty that an understanding of it will release you to say 'YES' to impossible missions that others dare not brave. David stood before Goliath without a thought for himself. He was staring at an impossible mission - but the difficulty of it did not occur to him.
His heart burned with indignation at the insult His God, and His King's army was receiving because of this giant and he had one thought: this guy is gone. He was standing in the knowledge that the same God who helped him kill the bear and the lion was with him still. His times of worship and warfare had taught him the power and majesty of his God, and that revelation brought him to the point of his destiny in that valley, right in front of Goliath.
David was secure in God's favour towards him, secure in the knowledge of God's power. Therefore, what his brothers took as arrogance was actually assured confidence that God was with him, and for him. They ridiculed him, but his self esteem was not shaken because it wasn't about him - it was about God, and his people. David wasn't standing there believing he could down Goliath on his own; he was there in full understanding of the extent of God's power available to him. That's what a revelation of God's love can do: it transforms you into an able warrior who fights without fear.
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