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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Let the Redeemed Say So

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the army. Psa 107:2
Speaker: Ps. Jasmine

You are redeemed! The redeemed of the Lord are then His temples where His Spirit dwells (1 Cor 6:19-20). As His temples, we are called to be instruments of righteousness (Rom 6:13).

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who carry His presence (Rom 8:1) because you are justified by Jesus' Name; know for certain now that you belong to Jesus and He belongs to you - and not only this: He also makes you able to serve Him.

To serve Him is to carry out His mission for which you have been sent: to manifest the Kingdom of God to those around you and introduce Jesus to those who do not know Him. Your mantra becomes "share, live for Christ and see souls saved". Your mission field is first your family, then your friends, classmates and work colleagues.

Revelations 12:11 tells us, "[the saints] overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."

On a practical level, we overcome when we do not live for ourselves but for the One who died for us, and rose again, and stand in the power of His blood. Yet, we are also conquerors by identity because we are co-heirs with Christ, who has put all His enemies under His feet. If you know that you are a conqueror, then you will not be affected by rejection or the opinions of people and will continue to carry out your mission with faithfulness and His power.

Jesus is always with you. You ARE an overcomer. You will be a great minister in His Name. And God has called you to be you - not anyone else. You do not need to meddle in other people's mission fields or try to minister the way someone else does. You need to do it the way God has already equipped you: that is where you will be the most effective.

How do we introduce Jesus? When someone finds a great restaurant, or new singer or game that they admire, they recommend it to friends and rave about it. Let's introduce Jesus to our friends and rave about Him!

You are beloved servants of Christ. You are not your own (1 Cor 6:19). Your life and your body is for the Lord to serve Him (1 Cor 6:12-13). So be alert throughout your day and be available to share, encourage and introduce Jesus to others so that they may have a living, powerful hope, and see God's light in this dark world.

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