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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

REPORT ALERT - Part 1: Accountability

The Bible makes clear that we are all stewards of the gifts God has given to us, and that the Master is returning one day (Matt 24; 25). On that day, we will be called to report the earnings and losses, the ways we have spent the time, resource and skills He has given to us.

This isn't to say that we should live each day under burden and stress; instead we need to understand that God is a good boss and work WITH Him. His Word details principles that if we would take up will help us to stay accountable and achieve all that God has for us.

Accountability is the noun of 'accountable'. The definition of "accountable" according to the Cambridge English Dictionary is:
"someone who is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it."
Who defines what is a 'satisfactory reason'? The very definition implies that there is an authority to whom an accountable person must answer to, and whose demands and questions they must satisfy. Employees are accountable to their bosses; children are accountable to their parents; spouses are accountable to each other but all of us are ultimately accountable to God.

To be able to stay accountable, you need to understand the following concepts:

Responsibility & Purpose
You will be judged on the responsibilities and purposes God has given to YOU (see Matt 25) - not what He's given others, you. Take ownership of them. See the other post on Responsibilities and Purpose

You can only get good marks in an assessment if you understand the teacher’s expectations and requirements. Find out God’s expectations with His Word.

Prioritise with God’s priorities
Doing first things first will set you up for the others. Ask God for His wisdom and insight.

Obedience rather than results
This world is performance based but in serving God, there is no way that we understand and see everything God sees. How do you measure your performance when you don’t know all the variables? God requires our obedience first and foremost (1 Sam 15:22). Obedience will ensure that the results He wants will be achieved.

Your Master is strict but good, and altogether wonderful. Your relationship with the Master determines your sense of accountability, and how well you will carry out His work.

Keep at your current instructions until you receive new instructions.

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