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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Thursday 3 November 2011

All Smoke and No Fire

Did you know that it's possible to operate in anointing without the presence of God? But without His presence, you operate without the source of ability and you run on a limited tank, and also without the power to transform lives.

Sometimes I think we end up worshipping the anointing rather than the Anointer: we lap up the atmosphere, are entertained by the speakers, enjoy the music, dance and jump when it's all good. But what if there wasn't any atmosphere? What if the speaker spoke the truth with sincerity but lacked pizzazz? Would you listen just as hard? What if the music was terrible and the singer off-tune? Could you still sing and jump and have a good time? We can be such superficial people.

The Bible warns that in the last days, there will be more and more people who want their ears tickled more than to hear the truth (2 Tim 4:3-4). Are you one of them?

It is possible to be oblivious to the fact that God is not there, or that you have moved on without Him. There are Church services like that. Serving God without God is a dangerous place to be. Why? Because anointing (ability, dynamism) is irrevocable. It's a gift. But if you're not plugged in, the batteries quickly dry up.

And as surely as a pool of water cut off from the river will stagnate, stink, collect rubbish and die, so will the Christian who serves God but is losing intimacy with Him. If you starve the intimacy, you starve the ability to operate out of life-giving power.

When you are close to God, the glimpses you get of His greatness keep you down-to-earth. Your regular talks with Him bring inspiration, creativity, uncanny timing. But without the life of God coursing through you, anointed people become like a talented monkey showing their skill for entertainment. God is so amazing that He can still use your talents to make a difference. But you'll stink. And stink attracts maggots. There are people rotting inside and dispensing spiritual death but don't know it. They are smoke without fire.

Don't get me wrong. Nobody starts out wanting to go that way. Usually, the right intentions are still there. Rather, it's easy to fall into the traps of laziness, dependency on ourselves, putting other things ahead of our relationship with God. When that happens, our waters begin to stagnate, and the good intentions we may have become tainted with the rubbish of the world.

Many mighty Christians fall because of little things that built up to become big things to separate them from God. Separation from the source of power leads to weakness against temptations. And when they fall, they take a whole lot of people with them, people who become disillusioned, hurt, confused. People who are disconnected from God will minister death. No one is immune from these traps; everyone is susceptible, and all are called to be alert.

Which would you rather be? Defend your time with God, and make each moment count to know and live in His presence.

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