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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Digging for Treasure

We settle for too little. I, for one, find this a recurring theme. We complain if we're bored but often can't be bothered getting off the couch to do something about it. The inertia can be overwhelming.

Comfort is good but if we live doing all we can to stay comfortable and convenient, our hearts become numb. All of us were created with a spark, that if put to tinder would light up to be a mighty fire that others will come to catch some of. We each know that the inertia becomes nothing when we stand up and just DO IT.

So this is your little encouragement to stave off inertia for today. You were made to live for more than yourself. You have so much to give in away that only you can deliver. You already have what it takes to make a difference NOW. You might have plans for the future and think, 'I need this, and that'. Yes, but what about today? What do you have now that you can use?

But it means means ditching routine, the daily grind, the automatic modes of our lives. It means challenging ourselves, stepping outside of our comfort zone once in a while to do something bigger than ourselves, to live for something bigger than ourselves. It means investing ourselves in others because when we leave this Earth, the only thing about us that lives on is our legacy in others' lives. The world isn't all roses but you don't have to leave it that way.

Jesus said He had come to bring abundant life, but He sacrificed it in order to do so. In the same way, if we try to keep our lives, and keep it comfortable, we'll lose it because it will go numb and die on us. Seeds have to die as a seed in order to be born as a plant.

Scudding along the surface of life is safe but...flat. If we want to truly live, we need to break the numbness of our hearts and make the effort to dig deeper everyday, to go beyond routine, the humdrum, in every activity, in every conversation to find the treasures around us - even if it means some extra effort or discomfort.

how often do you go out of your way to help someone?
Purposefully look for ways to make someone's day?
Ask 'how are you' and be actually interested in how they are?
Plan a night of purpose, not self-entertainment? Habitually?
Shake the automatic mode during praise and worship and press in to a place where you have bared your heart to God and got it renewed?
Took communion with tears?
Prayed to hear God talk, not just yourself?
Made time to pray for someone you said 'I'll pray for you' to?
Prayed for a relative stranger with such fervency that there were tears in your eyes, and red patches on your knees?
Allow preaching to grip your heart and challenge you?
Not just read the Bible but connect with it?

How will you dig deeper tomorrow?

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