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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Demonstrating the Power

HOW can it be that there is so much information about God and yet have a shortage in the personal demonstration of its power?

It's because Christian teaching can be just that - teaching of information. Why is it so many Christians seem to be content with information? The world doesn't want information - they want to see if it works. Christians want to see that it works. People don't need as much information as practical empowerment to live it out, run with it, experience it.

I just read Gary Moon's 10th day of his book Apprenticeship with Jesus. I was gobsmacked by a story of a young South African Christian who was smuggled into a Communist youth camp fighting apartheid -- they wanted to hear the gospel. He gave it to them and they were spellbound. "Show us where this is happening!" they said. Unfortunately, the young Christian couldn't think of anywhere in South Africa that was demonstrating the gospel at work. The Communists then concluded that the message must be a lie and rejected it.

This is a devastating story. It is the result of Christians who are not living truly authentic Christian lives; Jesus said that whoever does not sow with Him scatters. He also said that anyone who hears His words but does not do them is building [their faith] on sand. When the winds and storms come (eg the confronting truth that they've never seen Christianity 'work'), then the house will come crashing down. Conversely, if they put to action what they have heard, their foundations will be solid rock - no storm can destroy their house. Why? Because when you obey God's word in sincerity, you will find that it is truth, that it really is the way it says things are.

The Gospel is true. I've seen it work. I've seen legs lengthen in the name of Jesus, felt crushing darkness depart in the Name of Jesus. I've seen personal transformation so dramatic and amazing it is miraculous. I am personal evidence that when the Son sets free, they are free indeed, that the story of the prodigal son is true.

WE must be that demonstration that the world is waiting to see. And we must be so faithful with it that the world knows where to find you to see it work - so that other young Christians out there can have foundations of rock, and that people like those in the Communist youth camp can see that it is truth, and not a lie.

Our trouble is that people don't take seriously the commandments of Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. They know teaching - information - but they still say, "MY will be done" and choose friendship with the world on many fronts while still maintaining the appearance of friendship with God. Thus they forfeit the power of transformation. Then they wonder why they don't see what the Bible promises. Their roots are shallow, their foundations sand. This is why Christianity is known for its hypocrisy rather than its power.

Is there not a cause? Put to work the principles of the Bible, and obey its commandments. Demonstrate to yourself and the world that the One you believe in is living, true, powerful. You are His witnesses.

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