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The Bible says that those who hunger for righteousness will be filled. This blog aims to provide fodder for that hunger: to share, inspire and challenge Christians about their faith and relationship with God.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Hillsong Conference Notes - Session 4

Brian Houston 07/07
Stay in Your Sphere

2 Corinthians 10:12
 For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

**disclaimer: please note that all the Hillsong Conference notes I have posted are my personal notes taken during the sessions. They may not be exact renditions of how they were communicated; they are how I received it. Apologies for any misunderstanding!!**

Your 'zone' is the sphere of influence and work given to you for ministry according to the grace and ability-set God has bestowed on you. Be comfortable in that grace because your authority also lies there.When you work or speak in that grace, you are effective.

Yet, we are always wanting someone else's grace and despise our own. The grace God has given to us is especially tailored and unique to YOU.

Classic ways in which we live outside the sphere we're given:
1) When we class ourselves
This is when we start to think 'I deserve..." whether it is in a 'I don't have it and it's not fair' way, or in a 'I'm a total loser' way. Grace is about everything EXCEPT what we deserve!

2) When we compare ourselves amongst ourselves
This is a self defeating habit. There's always someone who does something better than you. When we focus on the comparison we make against someone else, we automatically place ourselves on the losing end. This activity drags you outside of your zone of grace, and you are left feeling aweful.
3) Commend ourselves
This is a sign of insecurity.

4) When you measure yourself internally
We are always measuring yourself up on the inside against a self-imposed standard: "am I good enough?". Shift the focus off yourself. Instead, keep serving, leading with a heart for your people.When you are strong enough in who you ARE, you will become comfortable with what you're NOT.

5) When you over-extend yourself
= trying to do things 'my' way instead of God's way = anxiety and stress.
When someone is comfortable in their grace, they are more loyal, and less territorial. If we are NOT comfortable, we will take credit for other people's labours and keep account of the honour we think we deserve. This is not the way God intends for you to operate.

6) When we fail to be enlarged
We are enlarged by people who challenge us to change, grow, become bigger and better in the dreams that God has given you. Sometimes the people who bring that challenge are critical, sometimes they are constructive, and some we see and perceive a challenge because of the way they seem to succeed. This can be taken the other way too.

Are we generous with the people around us, and allow them to be enlarged into regions BEYOND you? Leaders - are you willing to allow a leader you trained to become greater than you? Be generous and let them grow and enlarge with your blessing.

Decide to live in the sphere appointed to you: you will never lose out. Accept your gifts and callings like the grace of God does, and treat others in the same way.

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